Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. has provided an update on its operational endeavors. As it gears up for a multi-well drilling campaign slated for 2024, ReconAfrica remains actively engaged in various activities.
Surveying operations have been successfully concluded thus far, with demining efforts completed at the Damara Fold Belt Prospect L. This site is earmarked as the company's initial drilling location, with drilling anticipated to commence in June 2024.
Recent months have seen significant advancements in ReconAfrica's technical assessment of the Damara Fold Belt. This includes the integration of new studies, basin modeling, and comprehensive analysis of available geochemical data. Anticipations now include the possibility of encountering oil in the shallower Mulden reservoir intervals, while the deeper Otavi target is expected to yield natural gas with potential for liquid/oil extraction.
To further evaluate the oil potential of this play, ReconAfrica has enlisted the expertise of Netherland, Sewell & Associates ("NSAI"). A revised report, incorporating additional data, is expected to be issued by March.
ReconAfrica has opted to conduct an additional phase of tight grid 2D seismic activity to enhance imaging of prospects before drilling commences. The projected timeline for the first Rift well has been adjusted to the first half of 2025.
ReconAfrica, a Canadian oil and gas enterprise, is actively involved in exploring the newly discovered deep Kavango Sedimentary basin in the Kalahari Desert spanning northeastern Namibia and northwestern Botswana. The company holds petroleum licenses covering approximately 8 million contiguous acres in this region.