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Business News

Four power systems collapses recorded so far in 2015 – TCN

Four power systems collapses recorded so far in 2015 – TCN

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has said that unlike 2013 and 2014 when the power sector had persistent records of collapses (22 in 2013 and...

Posted on: Jul 15, 2015

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Discos express inability to meet payment obligations

Discos express inability to meet payment obligations

Electricity distribution companies in the country have said that it was becoming increasingly difficult for them to meet their operational payment obl...

Posted on: Jul 15, 2015

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Internal policy division may affect Buhari’s position on subsidy

Internal policy division may affect Buhari’s position on subsidy

Investors had hoped that the new government’s quick movement on ending the regressive and corruption laden subsidies would be a signal of their intent...

Posted on: Jul 15, 2015

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Let there be light: The shocking facts and figures that tell Africa's electricity story

Let there be light: The shocking facts and figures that tell Africa's electricity story

SOUTH Africa’s City Press reports that Turkish company Karadeniz Energy Group has offered to help to solve South Africa’s power problems by supplying...

Posted on: Jul 15, 2015

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prepaid-meter conlog NERC takes steps to contain electricity meter cloning

prepaid-meter conlog NERC takes steps to contain electricity meter cloning

As part of its efforts to overcome cloning of electricity meters and other forms of fraud in Nigeria’s electricity industry, the Nigerian Electricity...

Posted on: Jul 07, 2015

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