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Business News

South Africa mulls R20bn gas port

South Africa mulls R20bn gas port

South Africa could build its first R20 billion ($1.4 billion) liquefied natural gas (LNG) import facility at the west coast port of Saldanha Bay to fe...

Posted on: Sep 10, 2015

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Morocco to launch tender for 850MW of wind power

Morocco to launch tender for 850MW of wind power

In North Africa, Morocco is preparing to launch a tender for adding an additional 850MW of wind generation capacity to the national grid, a source at...

Posted on: Sep 10, 2015

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Mining can lift Nigeria’s GDP by 10% in 2020 – PwC

Mining can lift Nigeria’s GDP by 10% in 2020 – PwC

An industry assessment by PricewaterhouseCoopers Nigeria (PwC) has indicated that mining activities may lift the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)...

Posted on: Sep 10, 2015

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Sudan grants China gas production franchise in four zones

Sudan grants China gas production franchise in four zones

September 8, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan announced Tuesday that China will explore for oil and gas in the Red Sea, Sinnar, and West Kordofan.China is the...

Posted on: Sep 09, 2015

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Nigeria issues additional gasoline allocations

Nigeria issues additional gasoline allocations

Nigeria has issued additional import allocations for at least 300,000 tonnes of gasoline for the remainder of the third quarter, oil traders said on M...

Posted on: Sep 08, 2015

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