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Business News

Sterling and Wilson to construct 300MW of PV plants in Egypt

Sterling and Wilson to construct 300MW of PV plants in Egypt

India-based EPC firm Sterling and Wilson plans to construct 300MW solar PV projects in Egypt, having recently set up an international office in Cairo....

Posted on: Oct 07, 2015

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Renewable energy needs $70 billion to target 22% growth

Renewable energy needs $70 billion to target 22% growth

On Monday, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) latest report, Africa 2030, revealed that renewable energy projects could provide approxi...

Posted on: Oct 06, 2015

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Erin Energy discovers 500 MMbbls offshore Ghana

Erin Energy discovers 500 MMbbls offshore Ghana

Erin Energy Corporation (Erin Energy or the Company) today announced that the resource volume assessment of the three previously discovered fields (Ta...

Posted on: Oct 06, 2015

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Egypt renewable energy plans make progress

Egypt renewable energy plans make progress

Egypt has approached the African Development Bank (AfDB) for funding of $130 million to finance a 200MW wind project, reported Amal Al Ghad this weeke...

Posted on: Oct 05, 2015

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South Africa: Major Boost for Solar Energy

South Africa: Major Boost for Solar Energy

Solar energy received a boost on Monday, when Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson announced a new power procurement project in the Northern Cape to...

Posted on: Oct 05, 2015

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