O&G Exhibition in Africa O&G and P&E Exhibitions in Africa P&E Exhibition in Africa

Directory List

Shangai Mitsubishi Elevators

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Dar es Salaam - Tanzania

Website: www.mitsuelevator.com

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Merrywater Ltd

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Dar es Salaam - Tanzania

Telephone: 255 - 22 - 2700 157

Website: www.merrywater.co.tz

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Turner Morris Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: - South Africa

Telephone: 27 11 221 3700/083 271 4951

Website: www.turnermorris.co.za

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Asteven International Company Limited

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: - Nigeria

Website: www.astevenltd.com

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African Power Systems Limited

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: - Kenya

Mobile: 254 720 232152 / 254 734 03194

Website: www.scottups.com

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Green Energy and environment solution ( GEE)

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Nasr city - Egypt

Website: www.geesolution.com

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HMH Trading Est

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: - Egypt

Website: hmh-machines.com

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New Gaz Egypt

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Algiza - Egypt

Website: www.newgaz.com

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Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: - Egypt

Website: www.sdmo.com

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United Company For General Supplies

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: - Egypt

Website: www.unitedcairo.com

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Exhibitions in Africa


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Oilserv Limited
Energy environment Engineering


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