O&G Exhibition in Africa O&G and P&E Exhibitions in Africa P&E Exhibition in Africa

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adriatic power

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Durban - South Africa

Telephone: 113971081

Website: www.adriaticpower.com

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Technomark Corporation Ltd

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: kigali - Rwanda

Website: technomarkrwanda.com

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Probe Battery

Products/services: Batteries

Contact Details

Address: Germiston - South Africa

Website: www.probebattery.co.za

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Trans Africa Water

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Sharjah - United Arab Emirates

Telephone: 254 20 2632203/ 2632204

Mobile: 255 724 616 749

Website: www.transafricawater.com

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Mantrac Tanzania

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Dar es Salaam - Tanzania

Telephone: 255 0741 234 470

Mobile: 255 784552017

Website: www.mantractanzania.com

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Energy Dynamics Africa Limited

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Nairobi - Kenya

Telephone: 020 5226244

Website: www.energydynamicsafrica.com

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Pistec Power Systems Co. Ltd

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Nairobi - Kenya

Telephone: 254 773 347 024

Mobile: 254 724 157 858

Website: pistecpowers.co.ke

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Rift Valley Machinery (T) Ltd.

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: - Tanzania

Website: www.rvmachinery.com

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Nginu Power Engineering(EA) Ltd

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Nairobi - Kenya

Telephone: 254 20 2050163

Website: www.nginupower.co.ke

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Chadha Power (SA) (Pty) Ltd

Products/services: Generators

Contact Details

Address: Woodmead - South Africa

Website: www.chadhapower.co.za

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Exhibitions in Africa


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Oilserv Limited
Energy environment Engineering


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