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Products/services: Drilling Rigs

Contact Details

Address: - Algeria

Telephone: 213 (0)23 30 16 82

Mobile: 213 (0)661 95 05 18

Website: www.rima-dz.com

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Tecon Oil Services Ltd

Products/services: Drill Strings and Downhole Drilling Tools

Contact Details

Address: - Nigeria

Telephone: 234 01 4803413

Website: www.teconoilserv.com

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Primefuels tanzania limited

Products/services: Drill Rigs

Contact Details

Address: - Tanzania

Telephone: 255 22 2842247

Website: www.primefuels.com

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Engine Control Systems

Products/services: drill rigs/ pumps/ genset

Contact Details

Address: - South Africa

Telephone: 0027 11 113911443

Website: www.ecs-sa.co.za

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Basin Supply

Products/services: drill bits

Contact Details

Address: - Kenya

Telephone: 254 20 734 999 933

Website: www.basinsupply.com

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Seiche Measurements LLC

Products/services: underwater acoustic and visual systems

Contact Details

Address: - South Africa

Telephone: 27 83 460 4260

Website: www.seiche.com

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Products/services: Drilling/Well construction

Contact Details

Address: - Kenya

Mobile: 2.55E+11

Website: www.weatherford.com

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Seal-Tite International

Products/services: Seal Units & Packers

Contact Details

Address: - South Africa

Website: www.seal-tite.com

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Petrotech agency

Products/services: Drill Rigs

Contact Details

Address: - Kenya

Telephone: 202320059

Mobile: 788100200

Website: www.petrotechagency.com

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Gasop Oil Ghana Limited

Products/services: exploration of crude oil

Contact Details

Address: - Ghana

Telephone: 233 21 775523

Website: www.gasopoil.com

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Exhibitions in Africa


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Oilserv Limited
Energy environment Engineering


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