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Business News

Uganda/Kenya Pipeline Route Decided

Uganda/Kenya Pipeline Route Decided

The pipeline that will take crude produced in Uganda and Kenya to Kenya’s coast has taken a big step forward. Following a state visit to Uganda by Ken...

Posted on: Aug 14, 2015

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4 Tanzanian firms lined up for US power grant

4 Tanzanian firms lined up for US power grant

Power Africa said in a statement that the beneficiaries in Tanzania include the Benedictine Sisters of St. Gertrud Convent in the Njombe Region who pl...

Posted on: Aug 14, 2015

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SA and Ghana turn to floating power

SA and Ghana turn to floating power

SA AND Ghana have considered the rental of power ships — a special purpose marine vehicle on which a power plant is installed as a short-term solution...

Posted on: Aug 11, 2015

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Energy efficient light bulbs: Zambia driving efficient use of power

Energy efficient light bulbs: Zambia driving efficient use of power

In Southern Africa, Zambia's state-owned power utility Zesco has started a national distribution of energy efficient light bulbs. This is aimed at red...

Posted on: Aug 11, 2015

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Buhari finally grants guarantee for stalled Azura power project

Buhari finally grants guarantee for stalled Azura power project

Construction work on the 500MW Azura thermal power plant in Edo state is expected to commence next month, after the intervention of President Muhammad...

Posted on: Aug 06, 2015

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