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BURUNDI: Tembo Power Seeks Partners for Two Run-Of-River Power Plants

Independent power producer (IPP) Tembo Power wants to work with other investors to build 2 run-of-river power plants with a combined capacity of 22 MW in Burundi. The 2 hydropower projects, scheduled for financial close in 2023, will require an investment of $65 million.

Tembo Power wants to accelerate the implementation of its projects in Burundi. The Mauritius-based independent power producer (IPP) is looking for partners to assist in the construction of 2 hydropower plants with a combined capacity of 22 MW. The larger plant will be located in the village of Sigu. With an expected capacity of 12.4 MW, the facility will harness the rapids of the Siguvyaye River in Bururi Province, southern Burundi.
Dama will also be a run-of-river plant. With an expected capacity of 9.6 MW, the facility will be built on the Dama River in Rumonge in the southwest of the country. “Both these medium and high head run-of-river projects have minimal environmental and social impact and are being developed to the highest standards to attract international lenders,” assures the company founded by Raphael Khalifa.
According to Tembo Power, the Sigu and Dama hydroelectric plants will be able to produce 105 GWh of electricity per year. However, the investment will be $65 million. IPP is completing the development phase of its projects, with financial close expected in the second quarter of 2023.
This project is being implemented in a local context that is increasingly favourable to IPP investments. The new Burundian government is encouraging the development of energy projects to increase its installed capacity and reduce load shedding. Moreover, in April 2021, Burundi’s Council of Ministers approved the implementation of a project to build two hydroelectric power plants on the Mulembwe and Ruvyironza rivers.
The run-of-river power plants to be built by IPP Songa Energy will have a combined capacity of 10.65 MW. Like Tembo Power, Songa Energy is expected to sell the output of its plants to Burundi’s Regie de production et distribution d’eau et d’electricite (REGIDESO).
Source : www.abafnz.com
Posted On: 4/13/2022 12:00:00 AM

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